34-35, august 1969 which becomes Oil and Queens from The Devil's Playthings by Roy Walton (1969) adds a kicker where the one set turns into the 4 queens. This version uses apparently three red backed and three blue backed cards.
The Second B and R Routine in Ibidem no. 8, december by Ed Marlo (1956) have a sequence in which oil and water mixed. Most variations can be classified into 3 version: Using only normal cards, using extra cards and using gaffed cards. The Oil and Water presentation of this theme was created by Ed Marlo, who also developed many methods for the effect, published first in The Cardician and M-U-M (1953). You need six cards, you use the Glide and you don't openly alternate the cards. Gibson in Jinx as Like Seeks Like (issue 91, November 1940). The premise of this effect was first published by Walter B. This effect was noted as a Card Problem by Hofzinser as "The Magic Separation" The black cards (representing oil) magically separate and assemble at the top of the packet.
Oil and Water is a classic plot in card magic where a small group of red cards are intermixed with a group of black cards.